Greenlight Electronics
Green Light Electronics suppliers is a trusted Electronic Component Distributors to many large organizations and government agencies.
We are a pioneer Obsolete Electronics Components Distributor. We use the service of OEM and contract manufacturers, to find the electronic parts not available elsewhere. Meet your deadlines and improve your bottom line by using our service.
Green Light Electronics suppliers is among the world's leading obsolete electronic component distributors. In our electronic components store we have a broad range of discontinued appliances, Tape Backup Drives, Connectors, Switches, Microprocessors / CPUs, Notebook battery, Sound Cards & Speakers, Floppy Drives, Keyboards, Optical Drives, Capacitors, other surplus devices and equipment. If you want to get in touch, either call (949) 701-4913, send email - [email protected] or request for quote https://www.greenlightelectronics.com/request-quote-part/.
1101 California Ave, Suite 100, Corona CA 92881
Phone: (949) 701-4913
Fax: (949) 748-8489
E-mail: [email protected]
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