Audet Bull
Audet Bull is an Independent composer, producer, singer-songwriter, multi instrumentalist and blogger from New York who goes by the artist name Ôdəbəl (pronounced audible) . His 2014 solo release Ivazi is a collection of nine original songscomposed, performed and recorded in Austin, Texas. Each track represents the composers imaginative style that can be best described as a virtual sonic road trip from“Austin to the Beyond”.
His sound is inspired by the British Classic Rock invasion of the 60’s and 70’s. It was the sound of a new generation and it indelibly sparked his imagination as a youth and ignited his passion for making music. His pioneering integration of afro-cuban rhythms as well as colorful traditional and non traditional instrumentation into this sonic melange, broadens the overall range and appeal of his music by lending it an edgier world music feel. Part of what makes his sound so fresh is the unique coupling of contemporary hip hop production techniques within more traditional popular song structures. His baritone voice, honeyed with a gritty sincerity, is a vessel for truth. Contained within each song is a special message of self-empowerment and the germinating seed of awakening spiritual consciousness (or “consc-IS-ness” as Audet is apt to emphasize). The colorful orchestrations of his music utilize both classical and non classical instruments as well as a range of African and Far Eastern instruments. Audet likes to call it “Music without borders”. He is on a mission is to create “Life without borders!!” “I am an artist of Love. I am an artist of the Spirit.”
With thirteen years of teaching experience in the public schools of the greater New York area Audet is just as passionate about education as he is about his music. My dream is to empower people with the truth of who they are and what they can have, be, and do. I call it “Unity Consciousness School”. “My mission is to encourage disparate entities, for instance, an international charitable organization and a spiritually awakening music fan, to align through the universal language of music and raise the consc-IS-ness (i.e. the quality of each individual’s life) all over our planet!” By aligning eco friendly entrepreneurs with passionate educators and missionaries who are inspired to bring renewable energy, water purification technologies and universal wisdom we’d have all the resources necessary to build real sustainable sovereign communities around the globe. Each community, of course, would have it’s own Unity Consciousness School, where the children primarily teach one another.
This vision of Unity Consciousness Schools endeavors to challenge all conventional current theories and destroy all educational hierarchies. It is primarily focused upon the establishment of the fundamental skills needed for individuals to perceive accurately. “Perception is reality” becomes the groundwork laden for each student to potentially realize their own personal fully individualized self- actualization. This foundation is based soundly on the principles of a Liber education with overt emphasis on the Trivium and Quadrivium.The precipice of this revolutionary new approach is built upon a total reevaluation of the traditional teacher/ student relationship. It is a new paradigm based on fluid group dynamics deepened by the implementation of universal principals, non-dogmatic spiritual laws and divine wisdom. All this in the context of an organic non GMO agricultural community environment! Like minded communities, built around fully integrated Unity Consciousness Schools, are the most direct path to restoring true sovereignty and authentic power to individuals.
This is the dream of Ivazi. It has the power to transform lives as well as third world
nations….all united through the universal language of music!! But, Ivazi is much more than just music. Ivazi is a movement. Ivazi is a feeling. Ivazi is a sentiment. Ivazi is ideologically opposed to all forms of evil. Ivazi represents the “ideal” of all things good, heaven on earth. Change starts in your own backyard. Audet’s Dream Green page and take the empowering beginning steps to starting your own community greenhouse project.
Will you join The Ivazi Movement and be heard?
To read more about Audet’s dream and to download his visionary music you can visit his site at Let’s be heard.
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