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Vintage Lamppost Free Footage
Six Matches
Life In The Creek
A Micro World In The Creek
Creek And Roots
Focusing The Spider
Little Fabric Gloves
Green Ink Moving And Spinning In Water
Pink And Yellow Ink Moving In Water
Pink And Yello Ink Creating a Texture
Pink Ink Moving In Water
Pink Ink Creating A Texture In Water
Purple Ink Moving In Water
White And Orange Ink Moving In Water
Yellow Ink Moving In Water
Shot of outside of The Music Center of Los Angeles in 4K
Focus shot of Freeway Street Sign at of Los Angeles in 4K
Static shot of Hollywood sign with palms of Los Angeles in 4K
Static shot of Hollywood sign of Los Angeles in 4K
Tracking shot going back of La Brea Tar Pits in 4K
Tracking shot of La Brea Tar Pits and Museum entrance in 4K
Tracking shot going left with backlighthing of La Brea Tar Pits in 4K
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uploading bar
3D Urban city fly-through to turn table
cutting log machete
cutting log handsaw
lighting matches day
lighting matches night
Total Eclipse in 2017 USA
coin spinning heads
coin spinning tails
tossing coin
selecting big coins
selecting small coins
Five coins of quarter dollar falling on white table in 4K
Four coins of quarter dollar falling on white table in 4K
Four coins of quarter dollar falling on white table, one coin placed in the right side of the scene in 4K
Four coins of quarter dollar falling over a lone coin on white table in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling over a white table, seven coins placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling over four coins on white table, seven coins placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling over two coins on white table, five coins placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling over two coins and two $20 bills on white table, finally four coins and both bills placed in the scene in 4K