Countdown From 10 To 0 With Glitch Effect
Airport Departure Board Loop
Airport Departure Board Loop
Screen Views Million Count For Social Media
Swiping a Credit Card on a Machine
Retro flip clock changing from 12:29 am to 12:30 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 12:59 am to 01:00 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 01:29 am to 01:30 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 01:59 am to 02:00 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 02:29 am to 02:30 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 02:59 am to 03:00 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 03:29 am to 03:30 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 03:59 am to 04:00 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 04:29 am to 04:30 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 04:59 am to 05:00 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 05:29 am to 05:30 am in 4K
Retro flip clock changing from 05:59 am to 06:00 am in 4K
Table and devices
2017-2020 years made with folded paper
Digital 3D Data Grid
countdown stopmotion
measuring tape
productivity tools
Counting days
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Time Chronomether 15, 30, 45, 60
domino stopmotion
five dices
spiral domino stopmotion
Close up of half pocket watch showing the seconds hand moving in a minute in 4K
Close up of pocket watch showing the seconds hand moving in a minute in 4K
Timelapse of half pocket watch showing the minutes hand moving in a hour from 2:00 to 3:00 in 4K
Timelapse of extreme close up of clock's hand moving in a hour from 3:00 to 4:00 in 4K