Mystical spirals of controlled smoke in studio dancing on dark background in 4K
Thin blue smoke drawing hypnotic shapes and spirals on dark background in 4K
Clear water splashing slowly on water surface creating bubbles in 4K
Aquarium bubbles with bokeh effect on dark background in 4K
Texture of bright aquarium bubbles moving fast on black background in 4K
Close up of aquarium bubbles exploiting in the surface on dark background in 4K
Extreme close up of bubbles exploiting on dark background in 4K
Close up of oval aquarium bubbles floating fast on gray background in 4K
Dynamic texture of bright bubbles exploiding on blurred gray background in 4K
Big and medium bubbles floating and exploiding on water surface in 4K
Big and medium bubbles floating and merging on water surface in 4K
Bubbles moving, exploiding and merging on water waves in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling and spinning over three coins on white table, six coins placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling and spinning over three coins on white table, seven coins placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling and spinning over three coins and a $20 bill on white table, finally four coins and the bill placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling over two coins and a $20 bill on white table, finally eight coins and the bill placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling over two coins and two $20 bills on white table, finally four coins and both bills placed in the scene in 4K
A lot of coins of quarter dollar falling over two $20 bills on white table, finally two coins and both bills placed in the scene in 4K
Clip of extreme close up to a movie projector working on the darkness with focus in film reel on foreground in 4K
Water Crashes Against Jagged Hawaiian Coast on H-1 highway 4K
Top-down view of hands cutting tomatoes on wood cutting board
Young child running through field of flowers with blue dress on | Free Stock Footage
Aerial Drone Shot of Vineyard Grapes in Fall Portland Oregon in 4K
Close Up Video of Hands Typing on Computer Keyboard
Free HD Archive Footage circa 1938-39 of Los Angeles/Long Beach Floods
Transparent particles moving to upper right corner on background with light rays in 4K
Few bright particles moving to upper right corner on background with light rays in 4K
Few defocused particles moving to upper corners on background with two light rays in 4K
White little particles and big blurred bokeh particles moving raqndomly on dark background in 4K
Bright transparent particles floating to the right side of the scene on darkness in 4K
Sepia and white particles moving to the right, then to up on dark background in 4K
Snow blizzard effect with little pacticles floating and moved by the wind on dark background in 4K
Extreme close up shot top view of old record player, vynil disc on turntable and needle in 4K
Extreme close up shot top view of vinyl disc spinning on antique record player in 4K
Extreme close up of reproducer needle on retro vinyl disc spinning in 4K
Close up shot of classic vinyl disc with purple label spinning on vintage record player in 4K
Diagonal traveling shot of vinyl disc with purple label spinning on old classis turntable in 4K
Dark close up shot of reproducer needle on vinyl disc with purple label in 4K
Dark extreme close up scene of reproducer needle on old vinyl disc with purple label in 4K
Hand placing words, I love you, on wood background | Free Stock Footage
Aerial panning shot moving in diagonal path of red rock formations on desertic landscape in 4K
Close up to light rose flowers, focusing several levels in the scene in 4K
Static shot of moon moving on night sky with dark clouds foreground in 4K
Nocturnal shot of full moon moving on dark sky from bottom of scene in 4K
Night scene of full moon moving slowly on dark sky with few clouds in foreground in 4K