Rotating stock footage shot of $100 bills - MONEY 0137
Rotating stock footage shot of American pennies (coin - $0.01) - MONEY 0161
Rotating stock footage shot of American pennies (coin - $0.01) - MONEY 0186
Rotating stock footage shot of American quarters (coin - $0.25) - MONEY 0231
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0330
Rotating stock footage shot of $100 bills - MONEY 0141
Rotating stock footage shot of $100 bills - MONEY 0132
Rotating stock footage shot of international monetary coins - MONEY 0359
Rotating stock footage shot of American quarters (coin - $0.25) - MONEY 0235
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0114
Rotating stock footage shot of international monetary coins - MONEY 0370
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0307
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0243
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0126
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0052
Rotating stock footage shot of American quarters (coin - $0.25) - MONEY 0227
Rotating stock footage shot of American pennies (coin - $0.01) - MONEY 0169
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0298
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0346
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0061
Rotating stock footage shot of international monetary coins - MONEY 0372
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0115
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0327
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0341
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0308
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0278
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0106
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0127
Rotating stock footage shot of American pennies (coin - $0.01) - MONEY 0184
Rotating stock footage shot of $100 bills - MONEY 0146
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0260
Rotating stock footage shot of American quarters (coin - $0.25) - MONEY 0237
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0094
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0306
Rotating stock footage shot of American pennies (coin - $0.01) - MONEY 0171
Rotating stock footage shot of $100 bills - MONEY 0133
Rotating stock footage shot of American pennies (coin - $0.01) - MONEY 0164
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0286
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0316
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0248
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0324
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0102
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0315
Rotating stock footage shot of American monetary coins - MONEY 0285
Rotating stock footage shot of antique American coins - MONEY 0121