Aerial Footage of Eliot Hall at Reed College
playing in the blackboard
Looping Black Triangular Background Animation
POV of robotic lab arm
Scientific lab robotic arm POV
Arrow Logo Reveal Animation
Cascade Logo Reveal Animation
TurnTable Logo Reveal Animation
Rolled Logo Reveal Animation
Birthday Candles
Little Fabric Gloves
Silhouette of a young black man tilting his head down turning to the right seeing to the camera
Grieving woman turning her face to the camera and closing her eyes
Grieving woman putting her hands to her face crossing the fingers of both hands
Grieving woman with closed eyes and her hands on her chest
Grieving and angry woman that tighten her lips
Angry woman combing her hair
Angry woman that moves her head with denial gesture
Angry woman seeing the camera
Close up of happy woman smiling
Woman crying moving her head with denial gesture
Focus shot of woman crying and closing her eyes
Woman crying and turning her face to the left
Woman crying and seeing to the camera
3D Urban city fly-through to turn table
Extreme close up shot of clock hands moving from 8:55 to 9:15 in 4K time lapse
Extreme close up shot of clock hands moving from 10:45 to 11:15 in 4K time lapse
Sea Foam Splashing onto Rocks
Crashing Waves on a Rocky Beach
Dice Roll on Green Screen
Bike Chain Numbers Stop Motion
Pink Flower Stop Motion
Red Rose Stop Motion
Rose Stop Motion
White Flower Stop Motion
Silhouette of a young white man turning to the left
Silhouette of a young white man tilting his head down and then up
Silhouette of a young white man praying and tilting his head up
Silhouette of a young white man tilting his head down and turning to the camera
Silhouette of a young black man meditating and tilting his head left-down and then right-down
Silhouette of a young black man meditating and tilting his head down then up and finally down
Silhouette of a young black man turning to the left seeing to the camera
Silhouette of a young black man meditating and tilting his head up and then turning to the camera and finally turn to the left of the scene
Silhouette of a young black man meditating and tilting his head down and then turning to the camera
Silhouette of a young black man tilting his head down and then turning to the right of the scene thinking worried