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Bartender using iPad to type in credit card | Free Stock Footage
Four steel barrel balls moving on white surface in different paths in 4K
Three steel barrel balls moving from upper right to lower left corner in 4K
A lot steel barrel balls moving in the same direction, just one in perpendidular path in 4K
White surface with seven steel barrel balls moving from upper right to lower left corner in 4K
A lot steel barrel balls moving from upper to lower section in the same direction, just one moving slowly in 4K
A lot of llitle metal balls moving from lower left to upper right, finally three ball moving from up to low in 4K
A lot of llitle metal balls moving from lower left corner to up and right trajectories, a single ball bouncing in 4K
A lot of llitle metal balls moving from upper to lower section of the scene in 4K
Seven little metal balls moving from right to left with different trajectories in 4K
A lot of little metal balls falling and bouncing on white surface in 4K
abstract, arrangement
A lot of little metal balls falling and bouncing in three groups on white surface in 4K
A big group of little metal balls falling and bouncing on white table in 4K
Several little metal balls falling and bouncing on white surface finnaly all balls leave the scene in 4K
cat in the box with quarters
Arrows diagram with reticle
arrows diagram
bars diagram
cake diagram
circles diagram
pyramid diagram
Stop Motion Euro And Yen White Paper
Stop Motion Dollar And Pound White Paper
Stop Motion Euro And Yen White Paper On Dark Background
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Time lapse doodle office
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People walking in a shopping area 4K stock video
Blurry multy ethnic people in a shopping area 4K stock video
Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on Dollar Bills mixed with the American Flag