Slow traveling shot from left to right of vintage nusic device playing a disc with soft overhead lighting in 4K
Vertical panning shot of decorated needle playing a vinyl disc on vintage music device with weak overhead lighting in 4K
Slow traveling shot from right to left of vintage music device playing a disc with overhead lighting in 4K
Traveling shot of red rock hill in desert landscape with cirrus clouds in blue sky in 4K
Traveling shot of rock hill in desert landscape drawing a diagonal scene of blue and red in 4K
Panning shot going to the left or rock hill and red rocks in desertic landscape in 4K
Panning shot going to the right of red hills in desertic landscape with gray sky in 4K
Panning shot going to the left of ligtht red rocks in desertic landscape with mountains in background in 4K
Panning shot going to the left of rocks, hills and mountains in beautiful desertic landscape in 4K
Vertical panning shot going down showing beautiful red rocks with different saturation in desert landscape in 4K
Panning shot going to the left of red rocks, hills and far mountains in desert landscape in 4K
Slow panning shot of natural rock formations on desertic landscape with bushes and apiny plants in foreground in 4K
Vertical panning shot of dry tall tree with green trees ans blue sky in background in 4K
Horizontal panning shot going left of a little lake in the middle of a forest in 4K.
Extreme long shot of Los Angeles city panning from left to right and an eagle fly in foreground in 4K
Long shot of skycrapers of Los Angeles panning to right with tree branches in foreground in 4K
Panning shot going to left of desertic scene with mountains, dry plants and blue sky in 4K
Three classic light bulbs glowing in darkness, the bulb in foreground turning on and off in 4K
Close up front view of vintage light bulb turning on, and turning off with spring filament in 4K
Close up front view of vintage light bulb turning on, and turning off in darkness in 4K
Extreme close up to vintage light bulb with spring warm filament glowing and turning off in 4K
Nocturnal shot of full moon moving on dark sky from lower left corner of scene in 4K
Night shot of blue moon moving on dark sky from lower left corner of scene in 4K
Nocturnal scene of full moon moving from left to right with heavy clouds in foreground in 4K
Night shot of blue moon moving on dark sky from lower left corner of scene in 4K
Night scene of full moon moving slowly on dark sky with few clouds in foreground in 4K
Nocturnal scene of full moon moving very slow in the scene from lower corner to upper corner in 4K
Close up to full moon floating in the night sky, crossing the scene in diagonal path in 4K
Dark waxing crescent moon moving in night sky from top to bottom of the scene in 4K
Waxing crescent moon moving from left to right of the scene and disappearing in darkness in 4K
Waxing crescent moon moving slowly from left to right of the scene with sepia filter in 4K
Blue waning moon moving so slowly from lower left corner to upper right corner of the scene in 4K
Extreme close up of green and yellow leaves moved by the wind in tree branches in 4K
Time lapse of altocumulus clouds moving on blue sky and sunlight flares in the bottom of the scene in 4K
Time lapse of group of altocumulus clouds moving on blue sky with sunlight flares in the bottom in 4K
Time lapse of several groups of altocumulus clouds moving on blue sky with sunlight flares in 4K
Time lapse of big groups of altocumulus clouds moving slowl on blue sky with flares in 4K
Time lapse of altocumulus clouds moving slowly on blue sky with flares and the sun in 4K
Time lapse of big cumulus and altocumulus clouds moving away from the camera on bright blue sky in 4K
Time lapse of small and big cumulus clouds moving away from the camera on blue sky in 4K
Time lapse of big gray cumulus clouds moving away from the camera on blue sky in 4K
Time lapse of giant gray cumulus clouds moving away from the camera on blue background in 4K
Time lapse of big gray and white clouds moving away from the camera on blue sky in 4K
Time lapse of white clouds of different sizes moving away and disappearing on blue sky in 4K
Close up of human eye with brown iris changing size of the pupil and blinking three times in 4K